Terms of Service

Company or when we say “we”, “us” or “our” in these terms of service, we mean Primend OÜ, part of the Primend Group, with HQ located in Lõõtsa 12, 11415, Tallinn, Estonia, sole owner of TABLOO Apps.

Client or when we say “you”, your”, “user” in these terms of services, we’re referring to the organization and people who use our Services.

TABLOO Apps service, is software as a service (SaaS) used to improve employees’ working life experience and provide digital tools managing employment lifecycle. TABLOO Apps service is ready-made solution (on the as-is basis) offered by the Company.

The Company will provide the TABLOO Apps service with its accompanying facilities (implementation of the service, implementation of integrations and support in the use of the TABLOO Apps Service, and consultations on the development of additional functions).

Intellectual Property Rights

The ownership and all intellectual property rights of the TABLOO Apps services and all Information Systems related to the TABLOO Apps services shall be the property of the Company and its licensors. The Client may not challenge or infringe this ownership or the validity of these intellectual property rights. You may not reproduce, copy, duplicate, trade or resell TABLOO Apps services.

Fees and Payment 

The fee of using TABLOO Apps software is:
Core: Up to 100 Users  – 250€ per month/monthly payment or 2400€ annual charge/single payment in advance
Growth: Between 101-200 Users – 375€ per month/monthly payment or 3600€ annual charge/single payment in advance
Premium: 200+ users – custom pricing agreed-upon meeting.

Fees are subject to change and the Company will notify you of any pricing change prior to processing your next recurring charge. You may cancel your subscription at any time, however, unless required by law, no refunds or credits will be provided for any early termination or for any non-use of the TABLOO Apps services. 

If you cancel TABLOO Apps services, you can still access your subscription until end of term.

Free Trial

We offer a free trial for 14 days so that you can test application possibilities and see if TABLOO Apps works for you. All necessary instructions for using a trial version of the app will be provided upon request. 

Scope of the licence

The App is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives you some rights to use the App. The App Provider reserves all other rights. Unless the law gives you more rights despite this limitation, you may use the App only as expressly permitted in this agreement. In doing so, you must comply with any technical limitations in the App that only allow you to use it in certain ways. You may not

• work around any technical limitations in the App;

• reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the App, except and only to the extent that applicable law expressly permits, despite this limitation;

• make more copies of the App than specified in this agreement or allowed by applicable law, despite this limitation; or

• publish or otherwise make the App available for others to copy or use; or transfer, rent, lease, or lend the


You can cancel your subscription at any time by contacting us info@tabloo.eu. Your cancellation will take effect at the end of the current paid term.

Principal Service Commitments and System Requirements

System can be accessed at any time, but the following requirements must be met to access applications by the users

– Valid Microsoft 365 license (per user) inside of Client Microsoft environment. Licence must include access to Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Power Apps.

– End-users need to have in the profile filled following fields: Full name, Company name, Company e-mail, User principal name and Manager

– For setup there is a need for service account, which should have Power Automate Premium licence

– Valid TABLOO license 

– Available Dataverse capacity inside of Client Microsoft environment

Microsoft is responsible for the stability of the Power platform including Power Apps. Service Level Agreements (SLA) for Online Services

Term and Termination

The Company has the right to suspend the provision of TABLOO Apps Services to the Client if the Client has any outstanding debts or other unpaid obligations towards the Company more than 30 days.

Support and Modifications 

Company provides TABLOO Apps support to the Client via email address support@tabloo.eu

The purpose of the support is to eliminate any errors in the system that prevent the use of TABLOO Apps software by the Client Users.

Uptime and availability

This app is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Client bears the sole risk and responsibility for any use of this app. Client is expected to update and customize this app as appropriate for its own needs and is responsible for ensuring that its implementation complies with all laws and regulations applicable to Client’s use. Microsoft is not responsible for the performance, accuracy, or results from the use of the app or any modifications to the app.

Limitations and Liability

We accept no liability for an unforeseen and unavoidable event beyond the reasonable control of the Parties, except for an event that could have been avoided by a party taking reasonable steps to ensure due diligence, which makes the fulfilment of the obligations. For reference, an unforeseen and unavoidable event beyond the reasonable control shall include acts of God, accident, riots, war, terrorist act, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine, civil commotion, breakdown of communication facilities, breakdown of web host, breakdown of internet service provider, natural catastrophes, governmental acts or omissions, changes in laws or regulations, national strikes, fire, explosion, or generalized lack of availability of raw materials or energy.

Privacy Policy

We respect every person’s right to freedom of expression and privacy and provide clear and accurate privacy notices when collecting or processing personal data.

We use only data that is necessary to be able to provide you with the service. By using the TABLOO Apps service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Confidential information – information given to the Company in the process of signing up for the trial or the Service Agreement, such as your first and last name, address, email address and phone number and information that is not publicly known and that has been obtained from the other Party in the course of or in connection with the Agreement. Company’s confidential information includes intellectual property belonging to the Company, including the TABLOO Apps. The Client’s confidential information includes the data processed in the TABLOO Apps, including the personal data of the Client’s employees. 

Financial Data – such as client bank and credit card details, and the details of the payments you make to us.

User Data – all data, including Personal data, owned, stored, used or created by or on behalf of the Client and the Users and stored or entered using the services when using the TABLOO Apps service. 

Remark: Application is installed inside of the client environment (Microsoft tenant, what belongs to the Client) all the users are accounts created by Client administrators and access is given through the user access groups created by Client administrator. All the data is stored or saved in Microsoft Power Apps environment and in Microsoft SharePoint environment which are suited inside of the Client tenant. 

Personal data – are within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, these are the users’ first and last name, e-mail address and, in the absence of an e-mail address, a telephone number.

Analytical data – is the data that the Company creates and uses for the development of the service. Analytical data is compiled in a way that does not allow third parties to identify the Client or the User.

Aggregated Data – We also collect and use statistical data. When data is aggregated and anonymised it can’t reveal anyone’s identity, so it’s not considered personal data. For example, we’ll aggregate usage data to look at the proportion of people that use certain features and handle the bugs. 

Marketing – we send onboarding emails. Product updates, and guides. You can opt out any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any marketing email. You’ll still receive transactional emails from TABLOO, and for billing and any support questions.

Cookies – We use cookies on tabloo.eu website to deliver you the correct information when you browse our website and use TABLOO Apps website. They also allow us to improve our website. We try to keep our use of cookies to a bare minimum, just those that are essential to provide you with best service and run our business properly.

TABLOO Apps services collects only required cookies within the TABLOO Apps application. 

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or our processing of personal data, or want to contact us regarding your personal data, please contact info@primend.ee